I need information about express box shipping to Belarus.This box will be shipped from our warehouse here in Memphis, Tennessee, in the United States. The product has already been packaged into the box and the box is prepared for shipping. The weight of this box is 14 pounds. The boxes size is 1 ft in length, 7 inches in width, and 6 inches deep. We would like to know a few things before we accept your company as our shipper. What are your company's shipping terms? These terms would include your payment terms, your claims policy, your current rates, and any other information that is necessary for us to ship with your company. Please also include if you offer a tracking service and how much it costs. We would also like to know when you will deliver this package to Belarus. Thank you for contacting us about this shipment. We will watch for your company's information to arrive in our email account we have provided to this forum. We also appreciate your prompt response to this inquiry.