I need some information about refrigerated container shipping to Belarus. My company will ship this from our warehouse here in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, so if you can quote me your shipping rates from this location that will work great. This shipment requires a refrigerated, 45 ft container. This trailer will be loaded by our employees, and we can do this either with your driver present, or by loading an empty container that you may drop off a couple of days prior to the scheduled loading time. We will leave that choice up to you. The gross weight of this shipment is 15 metric tonnes. Since I have included the weight, and the point of origin and destination of this shipment, can you include a quote for how much you will charge us to ship with your company? Will you also include when you will deliver this shipment to Belarus? Of course, you may also send us your standard shipping information as well. Thank you for sending this information to the email address provided with this forum. This is the fastest way for me to receive it.