Residential International Movers to Belarus
I must move my possessions so I am in search of residential international movers to Belarus. Are you the company who can complete this move? Although I am "only" moving from Lithuania to Belarus, this move is important to me and I want everything to go as smoothly as possible. My household consists of typical furnishings for a two bedroom dwelling. However, I do only have one bedroom suite and the second bedroom is primarily used for storage. I will need many boxes as I have much to pack that is sitting around loose. Do you provide the boxes? Do you also provide the packing stuff? How soon can you begin this move and how soon can you have it completed? How much money will you charge me for this move? Do you also move pets? I'm just kidding, as I will take my pet dog with me in the car. Thanks for emailing me your information and I hope to settle on one company who can complete my move in a reasonable amount of time.