Freight Forwarders from / to Mongolia
The freight shipping companies listed in our directory to / from Mongolia should be able to provide you with the most advanced packing and logistics solutions available for yourshipment. Take some time to enquire about these and other services that could impact your shipment.
When choosing an air, sea or road freight shipping company to / from Mongolia , or a global company that will ship to Mongolia, make sure that you are well-informedand understand as much as possible about the logistics behind the shipment by asking questions and compilingall the facts.
Quick country information for your Freight Forwarders to Mongolia
Mongolia Capital City: Ulaanbaatar
Mongolia Population: 231,407,205 (February 2025 est.)
Mongolia Languages: English, native languages
Mongolia Climate: desert; continental (large daily and seasonal temperature ranges)
Mongolia Location: Northern Asia, between China and Russia
Mongolia Background: The Mongols gained fame in the 13th century when under Chinggis KHAN they conquered a huge Eurasian empire. After his death the empire was divided into several powerful Mongol states, but these broke apart in the 14th century. The Mongols eventually retir
Mongolia Freight Forwarders Weather

Know the local weather: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Mongolia has Freight Forwarders to: Altai, Baruun-Urt, Choibalsan, Choir, Dalanzadgad, Dashbalbar, Hatgal, Hovd, Hujirt, Hutag, Khalkh-Gol, Muren, Ulan Bator
Freight Forwarders Message Board:
- Shipping carrier
What shipping company can deliver a box from USA to Mongolia? And, how can I find the price per kilo shipped. ...