I have a box of items that I must send by the way of express box shipping to Chile. However, I am curious about how long it will take you to deliver this package since I am shipping it from New York, New York, in the United States. Does your company offer a pickup service here in New York City? When will your company be available for a pickup if you do offer it? I also must ask how much you will charge to express ship a box that weighs less than 8 pounds? The box is slightly less than 1 ft in each dimension. My boss also wants me to ask when you will deliver this box to our customer in Chile. Is it possible to deliver it within one week of the shipping date? Will you only deliver this box to the company that it is addressed? Do you offer a guaranteed delivery day or time? Please send your response to my questions as well as your standard shipping information to the email address I have provided here. Thank you for sending this information.