I came here to inquire about express box shipping to Hong Kong. We are shipping a few items that will fit into one box. The box a standard sized box that can be comfortably carried within two hands. Its weight is less than 4 kilograms. We are shipping this box from our warehouse here in Verona, Italy. Does your company include shipping service between Verona and Hong Kong? Please include in any information you send your shipping terms. This could include claims, payment terms, and things like this. Of course, we will also like to review your current rate schedule so that we may have an estimate of how much it will cost for us to ship with your company. Will you also be able to include when you will deliver this shipment to Hong Kong? Do you guarantee this day and / or time? Do you offer a return service if for some reason the box is undeliverable at its destination? We understand there would be a charge for this, but I wanted to ask. Thank you for providing this information.