I find it necessary to post my inquiry to your forum in hopes of connecting with a company who can provide express box shipping to Indonesia. I am shipping this from Manila, the Philippines, so if you can include your pickup information within the information you send, that will expedite the processing of this shipment. The box includes some materials that our customer in Indonesia needs right away. Can your company deliver this box of materials within one week of your pickup? Do you also guarantee this delivery time? How many shipments of this kind have you completed recently? I just want to be sure that you have the experience and resources to complete this delivery is why I asked. Yes, our customer really needs this shipment quickly. How much do you estimate you will charge us to ship this box that weighs slightly less than 10 kilograms? The size of the box is 76 cm in length, 45 cm wide, and 59 cm deep. Thank you for sending us this information. I look forward to receiving it.