The company I am employed by is completed an order that must be shipped from our facility at Gothenburg, Sweden. The order will be ready to ship by the middle of the coming week. I am posting to this forum in search of information regarding express box shipping to Turkey. The final destination is Ankara, by the way. A few things that I must inquire about your shipping services include how much are your shipping fees. We will also need to know when your company is available to schedule a pickup, and also when you will expect to deliver this box to the recipient. How do you protect the shipment from being damaged while it is in transit? Do you pay to replace the contents of the box if it is damaged during shipping? Of course we do have some other questions, but I am confident that most of them will be answered once I have reviewed your company's shipping information. I trust you will send that information to the email address I have included with this forum. Thank you for your kindness in sending this.