A good top of the day to you as you read my inquiry. I need to send a few items to a very good friend of mine who is currently living just outside of Dublin, Ireland. As you can guess, I need information about cardboard box shipping to Ireland for that is what these items will be packaged in for shipping. No worries, as the cardboard box is quite sturdy and is capable of holding several pounds. The items that I need to ship only weigh about 8 pounds. I am located here in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States. Do you have a drop off spot anywhere near here? If so, what hours is it open so that I may drop off this package? What are your shipping rates, and how long do you estimate it will take you to deliver this package to Ireland? In order to expedite any information you send, I have included my personal email address for you to send it. Thanks for this and I will watch for it.