Express Box shipping to Finland
Hello and good day to you all. I would like some information about express box shipping to Finland, if you do not mind. I need to ship a set stereo speaker to my friend who lives near Turku, Finland. The box's dimensions are 1219 mm by 610 mm by 610 mm and weighs less than five kilos. Is this too large of a box to ship by express shipping? If this is okay, when can you promise me this box will be delivered by? I would prefer it is delivered no later than the end of next week. Is this possible for you to do? Can you also provide me with a quotation of how much you will charge me to ship this box with your company? Also, do you offer any sort of guarantee that this box and its contents will arrive at its destination undamaged? What happens if it becomes damaged during shipping? Do you offer any type of additional insurance that I can buy when I pay for the shipping? Thanks for the info and if you can also include whether you have a drop off location that is near to San Francisco, California, in the United States, that would help too. Thanks.