Expres Shipping to Guam (US)
I need to send a package to my husband who is stationed at the United States base at Guam. Do any companies offer express shipping to Guam (US)? I want this package delivered before the Christmas holiday, so it is important that this package be shipped as soon as possible. Can you guarantee delivery within the next couple of weeks? Can you also promise me that it will arrive undamaged? The package contains one item that is fragile and I have wrapped it with bubble wrap and also included other packaging in order to protect it. The package also includes some baked goods, in case you must know for customs declarations. The package I am shipping is about 2 ft by 2 ft by 1 ft in dimensions and weighs about 4 pounds including the packaging. How much will you charge for this express delivery? And please can you deliver this on time? This is important. Please send your info to my email as I will receive it sooner that way. Thank you and I really appreciate your doing this.