Residential International Movers to Slovenia
I plan to move toward the end of this month, so I must have information from residential international movers to Slovenia. I need answers to the usual questions. You know, like how much do you charge? How long will it take? Do you provide packing services? Do you also provide the packing materials? How long will it take for you to complete the move? Do you offer any guarantees that my furnishings will arrive undamaged? You know...the usual questions. The furnishings will come out of a 3 bedroom house. There are the typical furnishings that include a couple of beds, a dining room table, kitchen utensils and cookware, and a living room suite. However, I do have an oversized pool table that will require some disassembly before it can be moved out of the room it currently occupies. It is now in what should be called a den. If you need any more information, please ask when you send the info that I have requested. I think that will make our email exchanges more productive. But, thank you for responding to my inquiry.