Box shipping to Austria from Hong Kong
If your company has the knowledge and the expertise on box shipping to Austria from Hong Kong then please email me your costs, delivery estimates, and any of the usual information you send to prospective customers. My shipment contains a box full of rubber bands that I found a good deal on while here in Hong Kong on holiday. I figure I can send these back home, take out what I need, and sell the rest. Obviously, there is nothing in this package that is breakable. The only thing I may be concerned is if there is a drastic temperature change. Does your shipping methods include a steady temperature so these rubber bands do not get too warm and stick together? I don't think too cold would harm them. Do you? I have included my email address to make it easier for you to contact me. There is no rush for this box to be delivered. Provided it is there when I return home. That is fine by me. Thanks.