International Movers to Norway
After eight years, I am finally moving back home to Oslo after attending university here in Miami, Florida. I am really looking forward to this move. Since I have been here for a few years, I have accumulated quite an assortment of belongings that I would like to take back home with me. So I am here to request information from experienced international movers to Norway. I have many books that I must pack. I also have some electronics products that I must pack as well. The electronics include a desktop and a notebook computer. I also have an Xbox game system and a rather large entertainment system that includes a 42 inch television set. How can I pack these items so they will not be damaged during transit? Does your company provide the shipping materials that I can use to pack these items? Or would it be best if I hire you to pack them before the move? I plan to move within the next two months, but I want to gather the information as soon as I can so I know what I must do. Also, would you mind sending me a cost too?